亲爱的朋友们: “古琴剧场 – 巫娜的选本”第三场 《良辰美景》将于本月22日(周六)19:30继续在方家胡同46号剧场上演! 票价:80元 学生票(提前订票):50元 地址:北京市东城区安定门内大街方家胡同46号 订票及咨询电话:400-630-6016 古琴是中国最古老的乐器之一。 “独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。”、“冷冷七弦上,静听松风寒。”“琴棋书画”……所有这些,指的都是一种乐器,它从周朝以前就开始流传,孔子学过它,蔡邕弹过它,李白歌颂过它,诗经里,唐诗里,它的身影无处不在,它就是古琴。 古琴的特点,无论从形而上、中、下都满载文化及高度的生命性格: 作为中国乐器的代表,古琴精神在贯穿儒家之传统的同时,也不乏与释、道二家相应相成。琴一直为中国文人修身养性的本器,弹琴可以“明道德、感鬼神、美风俗、妙心察”,文人弹琴,既在怀抱天地,亦在明心自察;它的音乐充满人性与自然,气象万千的世界可以流动于七弦之间而幻化入无形之性灵,从而达到天人合一之境地。古琴的形制法天象地,琴器成为可以单独品鉴之物,在取材、形制、铭文、漆与断纹上无不讲究,爱琴,可以直接是“不劳弦上音”之事。 故,于琴上,阅读品味的不只是音乐,还是文化、是生命、是整个天地。 北京聚敞现代艺术中心与古琴艺术家巫娜本着支持古琴艺术发展与创新,培养古琴观众群体的目的,以方家胡同46号剧场艺术推广演出平台为依托,结合古琴艺术家巫娜多年来在国内外对古琴发展的思考与探索的经验,以北京华亚艺术基金会为支撑,制定古琴专项基金体系,从2010年起共同合作开发”古琴剧场 - 巫娜的选本”项目。 此项目以古琴演奏为主线,以24节气为主题,同时通过与其他艺术表现形式的不同组合,形成多种不同内容的现场演出,并可穿插推广古琴艺术的工作坊、大师班、交流活动等。 演出版块主要划分为:传统古琴演奏、古琴跨界合作及公益性交流活动三大版块。 演出节目单: 小满。乃二十四节气第八。“斗指甲为小满,万物长于此少得盈满,麦至此方小满而未全熟,故名也”。 Grain Buds, the 8th solar term of the 24 solar terms, that’s when the barley and winter wheat starts to bear fruit. The kernels gradually become plump, but are not mature yet, thus called Grain Buds. 《良辰美景——张卫东先生吟哦、琴歌专场》 (Moments of beauty——Zhang Weidong’s Chant and Qin songs) 引 · 清和节当春 Opening ·Clear and Warm is the Late Spring 琴:杨芬 王亮 Qin: Yang Fen Wang Liang 天 · 金经弦诵 (Heaven · classic reading from strings) 《论语——学而第一》 Confucian Analects—Upon Learning 吟哦:张卫东 箫:宁英杰 Chanted by Zhang Weidong Bamboo Flute: Ning Yingjie 《诗经——关雎》Book of Poetry—Cooing and Wooing (Guanju) 吟哦:张卫东 琴:王亮 Chanted by Zhang Weidong Qin: Wang Liang 地 · 诗词歌赋 (Earth ·Poetry) 《苏轼--江城子》 十年生死两茫茫 唱:杨欣韵(助演) 琴:杨芬 箫:宁英杰 Su Shi—Tune:“A RIVERSIDE TOWN” For ten long years the living of the dead knows nought. Sung by Yang Xinyun Qin: Yang Fen Flute: Ning Yingjie 《李白--关山月》 明月出天山 唱:张卫东 琴:王亮 Li Bai-- THE MOON AT THE FORTIFIED PASS The bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin:Wang Liang 《秋风词》 秋风清,秋月明 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 AUTUMN WIND TUNE Autumn wind is fresh, autumn moon is bright. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《双唱阳关》 渭城朝雨浥轻尘 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 王亮 箫:宁英杰 SUNNY PASS No dust us raised on the road wet with morning rain. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen Bamboo Flute: Ning Yingjie 人 · 赏心乐事 (People ·The Delights) 《刘禹锡—陋室铭》 山不在高,有仙则名 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 Liu Yuxi-- AN EPIGRAPH IN PRAISE OF MY HUMBLE HOME A mountain needn't be high; It is famous so long as there is a deity on it. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《李煜—虞美人》 春花秋月何时了 吟哦:张卫东 琴:杨芬 Li Yu—Tune:“THE BEAUTIFUL LADY YU” When there will be no more an autumn moon and spring time flowers Chanted by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《牡丹亭—皂罗袍》 原来姹紫嫣红开遍 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 箫:宁英杰 Peony Pavilion—THE SILKEN GOWN Beautiful Flowers are in full blossom Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen Bamboo Flute: Ning Yingjie 演出者介绍: 张卫东 昆曲老生。生于北京。满洲正白旗霍罗氏后裔,祖辈在逊清曾为将军。受家庭熏陶,自幼在北京昆曲研习社向吴鸿迈、周铨庵以及上海昆曲研习社樊伯炎学习老生、老外以及正旦、小生等行当,被文博大家朱家溍收为入室弟子。入北京戏曲学校昆曲班向陶小庭、侯玉山、郑传鉴等昆曲名宿习艺,曾得周万江、张国泰、白士林、甘明智、计镇华、黄小午、张世铮等老师指导。1989年起,在京及外地近几十所大中院校向学生们讲授昆曲知识,传播量已达万余人次,中央电视台、北京电视台、中央广播电台、台湾中央广播电台曾多次做专题播放。首创中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院昆曲选修课。现为北方昆曲剧院演员,国家一级演员。 About Zhang Weidong Born in Beijing, Zhang Weidong is the descendant of the Huo Luo family who belonged to the White Flag of the Manchu people. Zhang is National First Rank actor at North Kunqu Opera Theater. Since childhood Zhang has learned Kunqu from Wu Hongmai, Zhou Quan’an of Beijing Kunqu Society, and Fan Byan of Shanghai Kunqu Society. He then became the student of Zhu Jiajin, a respected scholar. Afterwards Zhang joined the Kunqu class of Beijing Traditional Opera School and learned Kunqu from such Kunqu talents as Tao Xiaoting, Hou Yushan, Zheng Chuanjian, etc; Zhang has received guidance from Zhou Wanjiang, Zhang Guotai, Bai Shilin, Gan Mingzhi, Ji Zhenhua, Huang Xiaowu and Zhang Shizheng. From the year 1989 Zhang Weidong has held Kunqu seminar at numerous universities nation wide and introduce this art form to tens of thousands of people. CCTV, BTV,Central Broadcasting Station, and Taiwan Central Broadcasting Station has made many programs featuring Zhang Weidong. Zhang Weidong is the pioneer in setting up Kunqu as an elective course in Central Music Conservatory and China Music Conservatory. 宁英杰 中国音乐学院笛箫专业毕业生。北京歌舞剧院独奏演员,曾多次代表中国出访欧美日韩等国家和地区。 About Ning Yingjie Graduated from the Flute and Xiao (A vertical bamboo flute; ancient Chinese instrument)Department of China Music Consevatory, Ning Yingjie is now a soloist at Beijing Singing & Dance Theater. Ning has traveled with Chinese delegation to many countries and regions around the world including Europe, North America and Asia. 杨芬 北京大学哲学系美学硕士毕业,现在北京大学图书馆任职。自幼向陈炳铮先生习琴,入中国音乐学院音乐学系向吴文光先生习琴,并向陈长林先生习琴,自大学一年级开始向张卫东先生习昆曲、琴曲等。 About Yang Fen With a Master’s Degree in aesthetics earned from the Philosophy Department of Peking University, Yang Fen now works at the library of Peking University. Yang learned Qin(a seven-stringed plucked Chinese instrument with long history) from Chen Bingzheng at a very young age. Yang then learned to play Qin from Wu Wenguang of the Musicology Department in China Music Conservatory, after which Yang learned from Chen Changlin. Since the first year in university Yang started to learn Kunqu Opera and Qin songs from Zhang Weidong. 杨欣韵 中国音乐学院作曲系视唱专业在校硕士研究生,著名音乐教育家孙虹女士弟子。近年开始学习古诗吟哦,由张卫东先生传授昆曲,曾演出近代创作古典词曲。 About Yang Xinyun A graduate student pursuing a Master's degree At the music composition Department of China Music Conservatory, Yang is under the guidance of Ms. Sun Hong, a well-known educator in music. In recent years Yang started to learn poetry chant and learned Kunqu Opera from Mr.Zhang Weidong. Yang has given classical Ci and songs performance before. 王亮 因喜好而弹奏,因弹奏而知琴与心交流。弹琴和自己对话!负责丝桐馆的草根琴人。 About Wang Liang Out of pure love for Qin Wang constantly plays the instrument and the playing culminates with the dialogue between Qin and his heart. Wang is now a musician running the Sitong Hall, a traditional stringed and woodwind instruments music studio. 未来演出介绍:Introduction of the Future Performance: 六 月(端午) 袍修罗兰 —成公亮先生古琴作品演奏,随后开设2天的工作坊。 June (Dragon Boat Festival) Paoxiu Roland –Mr. Cheng Gongliang Qin Compositions, then set up a two-day workshop. 七 月(大暑) 琴之西 —巫娜与BNME——北京新音乐团,当代作曲家之古琴新作品。 July (Greater Heat) West of Qin –Wu Na and BNME - Beijing New Music Ensemble, the new Guqin works by contemporary composers. 八 月(七夕) 神人畅 —巫娜与比利时音乐家Esther Venrooy August (Tanabata) What is Singing –Wu Na and Belgian musician Esther Venrooy 九 月(中秋) 水之月 —琴、箫、诗词、歌舞与装置。 September (Mid-Autumn) Moon in Water –Qin, bamboo flute, poetry, dance and the installations 十 月(重阳) 三阳开泰 —三位老琴家 October (Chung Yeung) Auspicious beginning - Three old Guqin masters 十一月(立冬) 琴之舞 —五首传统琴曲与舞蹈。 In November (the Beginning of winter) Dance of Qin - Five traditional Qin works and dance 十二月(元旦) 特别奉献 —巫娜与北京现代舞团。December (New Year's Day) Special Performance –Wu Na and Beijing Modern Dance Company [ 此帖被古琴剧场在2010-05-13 17:44重新编辑 ]